East Brighton Golf Club

This planning approval is for the demolition of surplus and dilapidated ancillary buildings and the construction of two family homes nestled within the natural landform and benefitting from fantastic long sea views. The design is modern but respects and takes cues from the established surrounding vernacular without a hint of pastiche. Renewable energy sources have been incorporated in addition to the abundance of natural landscaping, which was at the heart of the design and indeed the success. The sale of this land to our Client from the Golf Club allows for much-needed funds for the improvement, functioning and longevity of the Club as a sporting and community facility. Back up

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St Mark’s Square, Bromley


Working as part of the Project Team, we secured full planning permission for a major regeneration scheme within Bromley town centre. This mixed-use development includes a 19-storey residential building including 200 apartments, a 9-screen multiplex cinema, 130-bedroom hotel and restaurant units within a new central public space. Back up

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The Boltons, London, SW10

We have secured planning permission and listed building consent for alterations including subterranean development in three private homes and have provided advice in respect of two further properties. Each has required a significant understanding of the evolution of the building, strong justifications for change and also working with the teams and clients to realise improvements that have aided the negotiations with the Council. Back up

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East London Independent School


We have worked with the School for a number of years as it evolves for a truly positive learning experience for SEMH and ASC pupils. This has included the evaluation of the existing/previous property, temporary permissions for accommodation for support staff so that the full school can be utilised for the children and moving forward a further enhancement of the buildings and most importantly the internal and external spaces being able to respond to pupils’ needs. Back up

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Portal Way, Ealing, W3

We scoped and co-ordinated the ES (ten technical disciplines) including the provision of overarching and key chapters for the development of 380 residential units in two towers up to 35 storeys. The development also contains 11 ground floor commercial kitchens, flexible office space, public and private amenity and play space, roof gardens, public realm improvements and associated landscaping works. The ES had to take account of seven other committed developments and provide appropriate mitigation. The contents and conclusions of the ES were fully accepted by the Planning Department who recommended approval to the Planning Committee who agreed by its resolution to grant planning permission subject to a s106 and Mayoral approval.  Back up

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Brighton Seafront

Precedent boardwalk image

The initial brief for this project was primarily for engineering-led solutions for the replacement of a seawall and alterations to highways arrangements. The opportunity was soon realised to make significant improvements to the public areas for pedestrians and cyclists, which included an overall rejuvenation scheme that comprised of new heritage and nature trails along an extended beach boardwalk, the enhancement of the planted/vegetated shingle, significant landscaping improvements, a BMX pump park, basketball courts in addition to playgrounds - all focussed to enrich health and well-being. Back up

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Land to the West of Hatfield


We co-ordinated the EIA process and the production of the ES for a large-scale mixed-use development including 1,100 new homes and supporting infrastructure including a primary school, local centre and open space – to be known as Hatfield Forest Village given a large emphasis on green infrastructure. The site has long been promoted through the development plan process but without real progression of the emerging local plan, we were instructed to co-ordinate the ES in a timeframe that did not allow for the formal Scoping process. We used our professional judgement without the benefit of consultee responses and briefed all technical disciplines accordingly. The planning application is ongoing as is the emerging local plan process. Back up

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