West Herts College, Watford


We secured planning permission and conservation area consent for a new fit-for-purpose campus building to provide positive learning environments for vocational courses adjacent to locally listed and Grade II* listed buildings. In addition, we successfully quashed an enforcement notice at appeal. The campus opened on time for the new academic year. Back up

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Wildwood Golf and Country Club, Surrey


We secured planning permission for the relocation of the Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA) Southern Headquarters in designated open countryside. The proposal also includes 39 golf lodges, an 84-bedroom hotel and a new golf academy. The proposals will provide a centre of sporting excellence to complement the existing Club, and provide state-of-the-art facilities for resident and visiting top class professionals. Back up

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Gravel Workings, Oare Lakes, Faversham

We successfully scoped, negotiated the contents, managed and compiled the ES to accompany a hybrid application for housing plus a country park and community uses on a previous landfill and gravel workings site. The site is adjacent to a SSSI, SPA and Ramsar site amongst other designations and within flood risks zones 1, 2 and 3a. The application was approved without any clarification points needed in respect of the ES. Back up

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