Established in 2016 after 16 years of consultancy experience, Triptych PD proactively responds to the town planning and environmental impact assessment (EIA) needs of its clients.

Much of our work is through referrals - from clients and other consultants - and therefore our reputation is paramount to our success.  We provide clear, straightforward advice with our clients' best interests at the core.  There is no one solution that fits all so our advice is tailor-made to each project and client.

We help clients to achieve their land, property, operational and development objectives through the planning system across a range of land uses. We keenly and professionally negotiate with local planning authorities and advise our clients how to best present proposals for their benefit.

You will not find a ‘clients’ section on this website. We don’t keep them secret and hide them away but rather take a more discreet approach. However, they range from established property/regeneration companies to charities to councils (developing their own land) to individuals with complex planning/property needs.

What we do

  • Appraisal of development potential/opportunities;

  • Strategic land promotion through the planning system;

  • Pre-application discussions;

  • Planning applications (all types as required by legislation) and post-approval applications;

  • Planning appeals;

  • s106 Agreements and negotiation;

  • EIA Screening, Scoping and